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  4. Historic Flood Warnings

Historic Flood Warnings

Created: 10 July 2019 Updated: 02 July 2021

The Historic Flood Warning dataset lists the Severe Flood Warnings, Flood Warnings and Flood Alerts issued from the flood warning service since it went live on January 26th 2006 to the present.

The dataset includes flood warnings issued by the Environment Agency for England.

Update frequency

This data is supplied quarterly during the following months: April, July, October, and January.

Related datasets

Common questions & known issues

Flood warnings are issued for flooding from rivers and the sea and, for a limited number of locations, for groundwater flooding. There are three flood warning codes and a notification when warnings are removed. These are:

  • Severe Flood Warning: Severe flooding. Danger to life.

  • Flood Warning: Flooding is expected. Immediate action required.

  • Flood Alert: Flooding is possible. Be prepared.

  • Warning no longer in force: Flood warnings and flood alerts that have been removed in the last 24 hours

Prior to 2010 flood alert messages were named Flood Watch messages.

Target Areas represent geographic areas of land.

Update Flood Alert, Update Flood Warning and Update Severe Flood Warning messages are used to update customers on ongoing flood events.

Registration to receive messages from Flood Alert Target Areas is optional and is chosen by the customer when registering.

Dataset content

Historic Flood Warnings - Unique keys: CODE

Field name



Shows the date and time that the warning was issued from the flood warning system


Shows the Environment Agency operational Area that issued the warning message


The Target Area code for the flood warning or flood alert area


The Target Area name for the flood warning or flood alert area


The severity of the flood warning message sent

 A direct link to the Historic Flood Warnings is here: