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  4. UK Centre For Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) Licence Conditions

UK Centre For Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) Licence Conditions

Created: 18 October 2021 Updated: 16 May 2022

Licensed Data

The following UKCEH datasets will be made available to some registered users on the Defra Data Services Platform:



LCM1990 vector GB 

This updated LCM applied the methods developed for LCM2015 to satellite data for 1990. It uses the same Broad Habitat-based classes as LCM 2015, 2017, 2018 and 2019, and uses the spatial framework for LCM2007 onwards. 

LCM2000 vector GB 

The level 2 vector (standard) data are provided as polygons (land parcels) with each parcel having a list of attributes attached. These include its size, source images, Broad Habitat, Target Class, spectral variant and class probabilities. 

LCM2007 vector GB

The vector data are provided as polygons (land parcels) with each parcel having a list of attributes attached. These include its size, source images, Broad Habitat, Target Class, spectral variant and class probabilities. 

LCM2015 vector GB   


The vector data are provided as polygons (land parcels) with each parcel having a list of attributes attached. These include its size, source images, Broad Habitat, Target Class, spectral variant and class probabilities. 

LCM2017 (land parcels, GB)

The data are provided as polygons (land parcels) with each parcel having a list of attributes attached. These include the dominant UKCEH Land Cover Class given as an integer value, and a range of pixel statistics to help to assess classification confidence and accuracy. 

LCM2018 (land parcels, GB)

The data are provided as polygons (land parcels) with each parcel having a list of attributes attached. These include the dominant UKCEH Land Cover Class given as an integer value, and a range of pixel statistics to help to assess classification confidence and accuracy. 

LCM2019 (land parcels, GB) 

The data are provided as polygons (land parcels) with each parcel having a list of attributes attached. These include the dominant UKCEH Land Cover Class given as an integer value, and a range of pixel statistics to help to assess classification confidence and accuracy. 

LCM2020 (land parcels, GB) 

The data is provided as polygons (land parcels) with each parcel having a list of attributes attached. These include the dominant UKCEH Land Cover Class given as an integer value, and a range of pixel statistics to help to assess classification confidence and accuracy.

Licensing Information

If you download any of these datasets from the Data Services Platform, the exact licence for your use of them will vary as follows:

Defra-body Staff

If you intend to download any of data listed above as a Defra-body Staff member, your use of the data is covered by the “UK Centre For Ecology & Hydrology Licence Agreement”.

Please contact your organisation's data acquisition or licensing lead to obtain correct licensing conditions for this data.

Contractors and Co-deliverer

If you are registered on the Defra Data Services Platform as:

  • a Contractor, and you require the Licensed Data for the purpose of providing goods and services, or to provide a tender to any member of the Defra Group (Defra Group is here deemed to include all 33 agencies and public bodies of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs described here: )


  • a Co-deliverer, and you require the Licensed Data for purposes all of which support the achievement of any member of the Defra Group’s (Defra Group is here deemed to include all 33 agencies and public bodies of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs described here: ) statutory functions and which are Non-Commercial Activities

the following terms and conditions will apply.

Contractor and Co-deliverer licence for use of Land Cover Map data licensed from UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

3.  The Contractor’s and Co-Deliverer’s obligations

3.1.      The Contractor or Co-Deliverer shall ensure that any Use it makes of the Licensed Data does not cause the terms and conditions of the Principal Licence to be breached.

3.2.      The Contractor or Co-Deliverer shall ensure that any Use it makes of the Licensed Data is restricted to those uses which the Licensor itself is permitted under the Principal Licence. 

3.3.      The Contractor or Co-Deliverer will not supply, publish or otherwise make available the Licensed Data to any third parties. 

3.4.      The Contractor or Co-Deliverer shall ensure that the Licensed Data and or Derived Data are destroyed or returned to the Licensor on or before the end of the Term specified in Part C below.

3.5.      The Contractor or Co-Deliver shall ensure that the Licensed Data (and copies or derivations thereof) are stored in such a way that they can be accessed and used only in accordance with the terms of this Contractor and Co-Deliverer Licence.

3.6.      The Contractor or Co-Deliverer must notify the Licensor as soon as reasonably practicable if it becomes aware of any unauthorised use of or access to the Licensed Data or any of its contents and must at its own cost and expense provide all reasonable assistance to the Licensor in the pursuit of any remedy in relation to any such unauthorised use.

5.         Intellectual property rights and publication

5.1.      Nothing in this Contractor and Co-Deliverer Licence will affect the ownership of any Intellectual Property Rights in the Licensed Data or any of its contents.

5.2.      The Contractor or Co-Deliverer will not display, distribute, communicate or otherwise make available to the public or to any third party in any form or by any means any statement or publication (including, without limitation, any report, presentation, or poster) in connection with the Licensed Data or any part thereof or any Derived Data, which is likely to bring the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology or any of its third party licensors into disrepute or to damage the goodwill of the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology or any third party licensors.

6.         Termination

6.1.      This Contractor and Co-Deliverer Licence will automatically terminate if the Principal Licence between the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and the Licensor, is terminated or expires. 

6.2.      On termination of the Contractor Licence, the Contractor or Co-Deliverer must destroy all copies of the Licensed Data or Derived Data.  As an exception to this obligation, the Contractor or Co-Deliverer may retain one archive copy of the Licensed Data or Derived Data solely for the purpose of documenting the goods and services delivered to the Licensor, to answer technical support questions or to comply with any statutory or regulatory requirement.

6.3.      Each Contractor or Co-Deliverer will remain responsible and primarily liable to the Licensor for their acts and omissions.

6.4.      The Licensor may terminate this Contractor and Co-Deliverer Licence with immediate effect (or such notice as the Licensor may specify) by giving written notice to the Licensee.

Usage Information

In addition, as licensees of UKCEH Land Cover Map data, the Defra Data Access Team are obliged to record the usage information for this dataset and provide this information to UKCEH when requested.

Usage information required includes:

  • name, email address and employer of the individual requesting UKCEH Land Cover Map data

  • names and descriptions of all known and anticipated projects that the Licensed Data will be used for;

  • a description of Derived Data that is expected to be created and published

Data Access Team will capture usage information and feedback from users and/or make direct contact to ask for further information related to any particular use made of the Licensed Data.

Please see the Defra Data Services Platform (DSP) Privacy Notice for details on how personal data is collected at used.

Please contact the Data Access Team [] if you would like more information.