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  4. How Do I Download Data?

How Do I Download Data?

Created: 14 December 2022 Updated: 14 December 2022

Raw measure data can be downloaded through the ‘Download Data’ link found at the bottom of every page on the Flood Plan Explorer, or at this link: .  This page presents a set of commonly used filters by which measures can be selected, and provides the option to download the data as CSV (for text information) and JSON (for any spatial geometry). CSV files can be opened using a spreadsheet application or other data processing utility. JSON files can be opened using a GIS application, such as QGIS.

Note that downloads from this page will only contain significant measure attributes. To download the entire measure dataset, please select the ‘Download complete dataset’ link. This will take you to a page where the entire dataset, containing all attributes of all measures, can be downloaded in CSV format. This can then be ingested by a spreadsheet or other data management application for further processing or analysis of your choice.

Please note that the data on these portals will be updated on a regular basis but may not exactly match that which appears on the Flood Plan Explorer. The currency of the data can be ascertained from the ‘Last updated’ date shown on the main download page.