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  4. General - How Accurate Is The Data?

General - How Accurate Is The Data?

Created: 15 November 2018 Updated: 30 March 2023

We work hard to provide you with accurate information. Because the measurements are sent straight to our website they are initially unchecked and may occasionally be incorrect. There may also be occasions when data will not have been downloaded from a monitoring station; and results will therefore not appear on our website until the next time data is collected. If there are persistent problems with incorrect or missing data we may temporarily suspend a site until the issues have been resolved. After a period of time the data is checked for plausibility by a hydrometric expert. During the check the expert will label the data with one of our quality flags.

 This can result in changes to long periods of data. It is therefore recommended that you download the full time period you are interested in each time before you undertake any analysis. 

 Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, neither the Environment Agency, nor its employees or agents can be held responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions, whether caused by negligence or otherwise.