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  4. Code List - Authority - Authoritative Location - Remarks

Code List - Authority - Authoritative Location - Remarks

Created: 16 December 2019 Updated: 26 February 2020

Topic category - ISO TC211 - ISO 19139 -

Responsible party role - ISO TC211 - ISO 19139 -

Scope - ISO TC211 - ISO 19139 - Only a subset is used by INSPIRE/UK GEMINI for “resource type”: series, dataset, service

Restriction - ISO TC211 - ISO 19139 - Used for ‘limitations on public access’

Maintenance Frequency - ISO TC211 - ISO 19139 - Used for ‘frequency of update’

Language - ISO 639 maintenance authority - - Items not individually accessible.

Spatial data service type - INSPIRE - Part D 3 of the INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules - Not a machine readable authoritative register.

Spatial reference system - OGP Surveying & Positioning Committee -

“ISO 19139” implies, which can be directly encoded in metadata records.

For INSPIRE themes, use the INSPIRE theme section of GEMET for controlled vocabularies in use.

Style layers may be required to support a network of INSPIRE view services, particularly where the datasets and their styling is not INSPIRE compliant.

The current definition of the licensing framework for INSPIRE in the UK is Version 2 of the UK Government Licensing Framework.