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  4. Why Do I Get An Error Message When Loading WMS Or WFS Data?

Why Do I Get An Error Message When Loading WMS Or WFS Data?

Created: 11 February 2019 Updated: 12 May 2023

Web Map Services (WMS) and Web Feature Services (WFS) are data feeds that provide geographic data directly into your Geographic Information System (GIS) software without the need for you to download the data itself.

The link to a WMS or WFS service looks like an internet URL (web address), but it does not work in the same way.  To use a WMS or WFS feed, you will need to copy this URL into your GIS software.

If you try to open a WMS or WFS URL in an internet browser, it will not work, and an error message will appear "Query Parameters must include request" 

Query Parameters must include Request


"The webpage cannot be found"


 To view the WMS or WFS information in a browser, you need to complete the link with a query parameter statement, like this one: 

?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMS  - for WMS services

?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WFS  - for WFS services